The President of
the Republic of Korea, Mr. Moon Jae-in and his spouse concluded their three-day
State visit to Vietnam, from March 22-24, 2018. VIAGS Noi Bai is honor to
provide the ground handling services to this VIP flight at Noi Bai Airport.

more than 1,700 employees and more than 600 facilities serving the ground,
including a wide range of modern equipments, VIAGS NBA is proud to be selected
for providing ground handling services for VIP flights of senior leaders from many
countries around the world including Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, etc.
The equipments are approaching the aircraft

VIAGS Noi Bai staffs are ready for duty
the safety of flights and the constantly improving of quality, VIAGS Noi Bai
always meets the strict requirements of the airlines, especially for VIP

Checking equipments before the flight