In order to strengthen and raise the awareness of the VIAGS Noi Bai’s staffs on the issue of occupational safety and labor hygiene, a training course for workers (Group 6), which was organized by VIAGS Noi Bai, was took place on December 27th , 2018 at the 6th Floor Hall of VAECO Building. This is the last training course in 2018 by lecturer Nguyen The Ky of Greenlines Vietnam training company to teach and disseminate knowledge about Occupational Safety and Labor Hygiene at work.

In the training, Lecturer Nguyen The Ky directly disseminated new points of the Law on Occupational Safety and Labor Hygiene and related contents. It helped VIAGS Noi Bai staff better understand the provisions of law and ensure labor safety and hygiene at work, thereby creating knowledge for employees to be active in their work, contributing to ensure the quality of work, develope the service quality of the Company and improving the income of employees.

Pictures of the training session:

Lecturer Nguyen The Ky - Vietnam Greenlines training company talked about Occupational Safety, Labor Hygiene for Staff of VIAGS Noi Bai

Staff of VIAGS Noi Bai listened attentively at the training session

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Vietnam Airport Ground Services Company Limited (VIAGS) is established on 01/01/2016 on the basis of merging three ground service providers Noi Bai, Da Nang and Tan Son Nhat.